Body Weight, Free Weight, Resistance Bands, Med Balls, Manual Resistance

All based off of a proper Needs Analysis and periodized based on time of year for the sport

I am going to begin this segment with a common phrase that is seen in CrossFit “I can’t do the clean right because there is not enough weight on it.” This statement is completely incorrect and is against all of our principles at Efficiency Strength Training, LLC. Developing a well-rounded athlete in the weight room is just like building a house. You have to start with the foundation which is developing the proper neuromuscular connections so that your brain recruits every muscle fiber that you use in every movement. When you try a movement for the first time your body does not recruit all of the muscle fibers in that specific movement, that means that not all of your muscle fibers are experiencing the load that you are placing on them. We develop these neuromuscular connections through performing body weight exercises in a slow and controlled manner which enhances these connections. Once you can perform the movement efficiently in a slow and controlled manner then we can apply load to the movement to develop the musculature. As we progress in the movement then we can provide overload by either applying more load, manipulating the tempo, altering the exercise in the same movement pattern, etc. to ensure progression. All of our strength training programs are developed from a thorough needs analysis which provides a biomechanical breakdown of the movements required for their specific sport. This ensures that the exercise will have a high degree of cross over to their specific sport. This is just a short overview to our philosophy for training for strength at Efficiency Strength Training, LLC, but it is a great look into what the thought process is behind training the efficiency way!



